
Multiply connections, build global capabilities, exceed boundaries.

Our mission is to drive innovation and create value by connecting leading global business schools, their resources, and their stakeholders.

Launched in 2012, the Global Network for Advanced Management includes 32 leading business schools from diverse regions, countries, cultures, and economies in different phases of development. A common motivation of member schools to connect is to position their students, faculty, staff, alumni and other constituencies so that they can deepen their understanding of differences and commonalities in their economies and increase their effectiveness. Member schools recognize that leaders in all sectors will be asked to contribute to the solutions of major problems that are typically complex and global.

Representing a shift beyond traditional partnership models of business school collaboration, the Global Network enables the development of innovative initiatives that leverage the schools’ comparative advantages. Leveraging network efficiencies, utilizing new technologies, building strong institutional and personal relationships, and operating with a minimum of bureaucracy, the Global Network is having a transformational effect on students, member schools, management education, and beyond.   

The Global Network multiplies the capabilities of its member schools by enabling: 

Networked Learning • Networked Inquiry • Networked Education


I. Networked Learning


Global Network courses

Global Network Courses are for-credit courses offered virtually by a member school and open to students from throughout the network. Over 6,500 students from 30 schools have completed a Global Network course. Learn more about Global Network Courses

Global Network Competitions

Global Network students take part in friendly competitions that bring individuals with similar interests together. Learn more about competitions.

Global Network Investment Competition

Student teams built a portfolio of stocks listed in their home markets and compete for both a security analysis prize and a performance prize. Read more about the Global Network Investment Competition


II. Networked Inquiry


Global Network Surveys

Global Network scholars draw on a powerful knowledge base by surveying members of the community to develop important global business insights. Explore our surveys.

Global Network Perspectives

Global Network Perspectives features the expertise, research, and opinions of faculty and other contributors from throughout the network, with an emphasis on the complexities of doing business in an increasingly interconnected world. Read Perspectives.

Un-conference on Entrepreneurship

Global Network faculty, students, and alumni gather for discussion and collaborative sessions focused on an area of shared interest and commitment. Eighteen schools were represented at the inaugural gathering at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Learn more about the un-conference at the Technion

Global Network Cases

Collaboratively developed case studies that evaluate business challenges from multiple points of view. See our cases.


III. Networked Education


Global Network Weeks

Global Network Weeks give students and faculty the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school, in a focused course that leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school. Alongside their counterparts from elsewhere in the network, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current business problems. Learn more about Global Network Weeks.

Global Virtual Teams

Students across schools team up to work virtually on an assignment on one of the core MBA courses. This assignment provides students with real-time, hands-on practice that will be important to their effectiveness in the organizational teams of which they will be a member or leader after they graduate. Assumptions regarding information, perspectives, frames of reference, and preferences abound in more serious ways in teams that are global and virtual. Learn more about the Global Virtual Teams Course.

Collaborating in Executive Education

The Certificate of Excellence in Global Business program was a collaboration among 19 schools in the network. We are concluding this program to make space for new and exciting collaborations across the network.