Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
March 16-20, 2015
Vancouver, Canada
Topic & Description:
Clean Energy and Green Infrastructure – Innovation at the nexus of politics and society.
The Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) is at the nexus of a number of major transitions in the energy sector. It has a thriving clean technology sector, high levels of renewable power generation and a population that is strongly committed to sustainable lifestyles, but it is also a major crossroads in the conventional energy sector globally. BC is considered the gateway to global oil markets by the oil sands sector in Alberta and two controversial pipelines are currently under review. It also has vast shale gas reserves and is currently considering the dramatic expansion of LNG production. While natural gas is an important transition fuel, LNG production would increase the emissions of the province.
Delivered by a team of faculty from the Sauder School of Business and the Clean Energy Research Center at UBC, this course will focus on the politics of energy and climate in North America, strategies for incentivizing innovation, efforts to secure a license to operate and, focusing on the UBC campus, a series of initiatives to build clean and green infrastructure that reduces underlying energy demand.
The program will include Lectures, speakers from industry, visits to locations and project work
Faculty involved: James Tansey, Centre for Sustainability and Social Innovation; Walter Merida, Director of Clean Energy Research Center, UBC