Yale School of Management
March 16-20, 2015
New Haven, USA
Topic & Description:
Geopolitics and Global Business
In a more interconnected world, business operations are increasingly affected by political dynamics, conflicts, and crises that may have seemed far away not too long ago. Drawing on the collective expertise of Yale faculty members, practitioners, and the visiting students, this Global Network Week has two curricular goals: (1) to identify the causes and consequences of some of the principal geopolitical challenges of our time; and (2) to familiarize students with some of the management tools and leadership competencies to cope with the ensuing business implications. Examples of such geopolitical challenges include regional tensions in the South China Sea; radicalization in parts of the Arab world; uncertainty over the future of the European Union; and growing economic nationalism around the globe. The tools and competencies featured include problem framing, scenario planning, political risk management, and crisis leadership.
Faculty Involved: David Bach, Paul Bracken