Asian Institute of Management
March 9-13, 2015
Manila, Philippines
Topic & Description:
This course introduces principles, theories, and case studies in the responsible development and management of tourism destinations. The course assists students in learning to identify opportunities for integrating tourism with other economic sectors to achieve an area's sustainable development.
Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism within a natural and cultural heritage area where community participation, protection and management of natural resources, cultural and indigenous knowledge and practices, environmental education and ethics, as well as economic benefits, are fostered and pursued for the enrichment of host communities and satisfaction of visitors.
Course Outline (from October 2014 Global Network Week for reference)
Prerequisites: Background in economics; introductory finance and marketing is an advantage.
Company connections: Classes on site at either El Nido or Batangas tour/diving selected coral reef sites. Possibly a visit to a coffee plantation.